Over the past two months I have completed my annual comprehensive medical evaluation that involved a battery of medical tests with the help of my Cardiologist, Internist, and Orthopedic surgeon. Here's the bottom line. I'm in remarkably great physical condition for a guy 63 years old who has survived both a massive pulmonary embolism in 2007 and a severe heart attack in 2009.
What keeps me firmly in the game is the endless support of my family, my adoption of a vegan lifestyle, following the lead of my wonderful team of doctors, and my continued commitment to time across the top tube. Over the last year, between annual physicals, I've lost 34 pounds and have managed to maintain cardiovascular fitness by riding my bikes 140-150 miles per week. I still have a resting heart rate of 44 bpm.
Time spent on the bike over the last six weeks has given me cause to contemplate what I really want for my life in the coming year. As the road has passed beneath my wheels the committee in my head has reflected back on that fateful day on August 17, 2009 at 6:05 PM when the outcome could have been very different.
In tune with the cadence of my pedals I came to realize that the true wealth in my life has always been those intangible ethereal things:
- the love I have shared with my wife of 42 years,
- being involved in the lives our two precious children and three grandchildren,
- finding comfort in the warmth of a lingering hug or kiss of loved ones,
- a hardy handshake between old friends,
- hearing insightful words of encouragement,
- enjoying the unconditional companionship of my English Bulldog Princess Buttercup,
- hearing "I love you Grannan" from my grandchildren,
- holding my grandchildren and reading them bedtime stories,
- being able to experience the fresh smell of rain and seeing a rainbow after a storm,
- seeing another glorious sunrise or sunset,
- experiencing the freedom of the road or trail astride my bike,
- riding my mountain bike with reckless abandon along Montana's Continental Divide,
- or racing a steep descent through Red Rock Canyon on my road bike at over 40mph.
There are really far too many other things to mention that put the "life" in living after my heart attack. I have big plans for 2012 to celebrate my 64th birthday. The clock is ticking. Opportunities to check things off my "TO DO LIST" are on the horizon. I have a plan. I hope I'm granted the time to work the plan. The journey will be an adventure I'm sure.