What has the 63rd year of my life brought to me?
- completed our second year as Las Vegas, Nevada residents
- moved our 88 year old Aunt from Arizona to Las Vegas so we could oversee her care
- suffered a 4 day case of food poisoning
- went back to the east coast for my niece’s wedding
- vacationed in Glacier National Park with the entire family
- spent a 2nd summer in Montana and wrenched at the Outdoorsman for a second season
- observed the 41st anniversary of marriage to my beautiful wife and best friend
- was taken off all heart medications one year after my August 17, 2009 heart attack and given a clean bill of health by my cardiologist
- spent the 5th birthday with our oldest granddaughter and saw her enter kindergarten
- celebrated with our youngest granddaughter and our first grandson on their first birthdays
- rode 65 miles in the Las Vegas LiveStrong Cancer ride in honor of 20 family and friends
- took an epic two week trip with Texas friends to Death Valley, Sequoia NP, Yosemite NP, Muir Woods, Point Reyes National Sea Shore, Santa Rosa, the Napa Valley, Lake Tahoe, Mono Lake, Bodie State Historical Park, Mammoth Lakes, Bishop, and the Ancient Bristelcone Pine Forest in the White Mountains
- found a new Internist and Nutritionist and went on a totally vegan diet that has changed my life and outlook for a healthy future
- attended the five day USA Cycling Bill Woodul Race Mechanic Clinic at the US Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado
- passed the USA Cycling certification exams for my USA Cycling Race Mechanic and Race Official licenses
- had a colon biopsy taken and found out it was cancer free
- attended my 3rd Park Tool Tech Summit for Pro Bike Mechanics in Long Beach, CA
- presided as the Chief USA Cycling Race Official at the 2011 Nevada State Downhill Championship and USAC National Qualifier at Bootleg Canyon, Boulder City, Nevada
- finished a Fed-to-Feb year of cycling: riding 2,446.31 miles with 137,502 feet of climbing, and spending 177 hours 09 min 37 sec in the saddle
- finished out the year with a lose of 20 lbs. and a resting heart rate of 46 bpm
All-in all, I've had a pretty good start on the transformation I have planned for myself. I realize there are no promises or guarantees. I just want to work hard doing my part to live to see my grandchildren grow up and for them to have a lasting memory and sense of who I was. That's my quest for achievable immortality! Planning the work and working the plan. We'll see what the 64th year of my life brings to the table. I still have an extensive bucket list to keep me motivated. Stay tuned for the journey....it includes time across the top tube.
Happy Belated B-Day right back at you! That is a full year with a lot squeezed in. I look forward to catching up in person in late March...we might cross each other along I-15 (signed up for the True Grit in St. George).